
Tuesday, 10 July 2012


Paco Leon is a Spanish actor who just directed his first movie: Carmina o revienta (a fictional documentary based on his mother). Other than it is not the movie what I want to talk about, it is his way of exhibition; Paco Leon is the first Spanish director who has had the best initiative I heard in years. He has released his movie on internet, cinemas and DVD all at the same time. The fact of giving alternatives to people in order to try to avoid piracy (I said to try because nowadays  it is impossible to stop people downloading movies) is something that many directors and people involved in cinema should learn about it. Some cinemas have rejected to screen his movie because for once a director has left the cinemas without the exclusivity of being the first ones to screen a film. How they dare! Cinemas will always have the exclusivity of the splendid experience that is going to a cinema and watch a movie in a big screen.

Well, I just can say that I admire a person who thinks for solutions not for banning facts!
The trailer is in Spanish but I encourage everyone to watch it!

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